Cloud Farm Funds is a farming enterprise in West Africa, in partner with RainTree Farm. Our objective is welcoming financial partnership/funders from anywhere in the world.  Funder’s capital covers crop production and rearing of livestock distribution to increase healthy farm and a healthy food. The crops are then processed and sold out within 6-12 month. Funder’s earn between 10% to 35% returns on their capital based on the plan of choice.


Mission:  Empowering Farmers, Increasing Food Security and Enriching Funders.


Why Cloud Farm Funds? ‘’The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward civilized life’’ Agriculture plays a vital role in the economy of every nation. It has been one of significant earnings of producing food for human utilization. Today more and more lands are being developed for the production of large crops.

There is a wide gap between the requirement for need of food, crops, livestock, the volume and quantity of food been produced. This gap which causes food insecurity is partly due to lack of funding for farmers both large and small scale, inefficient use of resources, non-utilization of enhanced high seeds and animal breeds.

Cloud Farm Funds is stepping in the gap to empower farmers with required funds, providing them with the right seeds and breeds of animal and ensuring best agronomy practices.

Within thus, increase food security and also enriching the providers of the funder, our funding partners with good returns on investment.




Our values reflect who we are and a principle which guides all we do by relating with farmers and farm funder’s to a future of healthy crops and live stock.

Team Spirit: Building team work and strong partnership/Sponsors and actively contribute to overcoming challenges.

Humility: At Cloud Farm Funds, in achieving success we appreciate all individuals with their own cultural identities. We embrace difference.

Integrity: We comply with regulations, providing full information required as communication will be sincere and opened when dealing with farmers and farm Funder’s.

Customer Focus: We create excellent solutions to our customers by carefully listening to their needs and exceeding their expectations.