In finance, the benefit from investing is when you receive a return on your investment. In other words, to invest means owning an asset or an item with the goal of generating income from the investment or the appreciation of your investment which is an increase in the value of the asset over a period of time. When a person invests, it always requires a sacrifice of some present asset that they own, such as time, money, or effort.
Investing in farming can seem like a good strategic move. After all, whether the overall economy’s in a recession or booming, people still have to eat. Because of this, many investors regard agriculture and farming investments as being recession-proof. Further, as the world’s population increases, farming will play an increasingly important role in sustaining global societies.
That said, literally buying a farm isn’t a feasible strategy for the average investor. Buying a farm can require a large capital commitment and the time and costs of operating or leasing a farm are often substantial. Fortunately, investors have many other means to gain exposure to the sector beyond sinking money into a farm.
- Investing in agriculture means putting your money behind food and crop production, processing, and distribution.
- As the world needs to feed a growing population and with less land, interest in agriculture production as an investment has grown right along with the world population.
Cloud Farm Fund an Enterprise Investment Firm
Cloud Farm Funds is a farming enterprise in West Africa, in partner with RainTree Farm. The objective is welcoming financial partnership/funders from anywhere in the world. Funder’s capital covers crop production and rearing of livestock distribution to increase healthy farm and a healthy food. The crops are then processed and sold out within 6-12 month. Funder’s earn between 10% to 35% returns on their capital based on the plan of choice.
Cloud Farm Funds is stepping in the gap to empower farmers with required funds, providing them with the right seeds and breeds of animal and ensuring best agronomy practices.
Within thus, increase food security and also enriching the providers of the funder, our funding partners with good returns on investment.
Having over 85 Hectare of land in Abia state, ready deployed for farming.
Cassava products are being sort for all over the globe as a source for producing various products and combination of animal feeds. With looming global warming, cassava has been given top priority because it has the capacity to be a vital raw material for the creation of ethanol. Ethanol is being advocated because of its low carbon dioxide emission unlike fossil fuels. Increase in the cost of grains for compounding animal feeds like grains has made farmers go with the alternative being cassava chips. The gradual rise in interest for cassava products needs a regular source from different parts of the world, though we are at a disadvantage due to our basic farming methods and based on out-dated modes of farming used by most farmers in Nigeria. The introduction of technology into farming, cassava farming is a profitable source of income, if managed rightly.
Ethanol plants in Nigeria like the plant at Ondo-Linyi Industrial Hub within Ore Industrial Park, which will soon be operational with a quantity of daily input of 300 to 400 tons of cassava would require daily influx of cassava, which will increase at the rate of production.
Cloud Farm Fund Casssava Investment
Just as we know Nigeria is one of the largest producers of cassava which is why CloudFarmFunds took advantage, to empower farmers with required funds, providing them with the right seeds and ensuring best agronomy practices.
Sponsors/Partners need to take advantage of this by contributing in the agricultural sector to get good profit.
Advantage of Cloud Farm Fund Investment
Cloud Farm Funds is a farming enterprise service of Cloud Marketplace Limited in West Africa and in partnership with RainTree Farms and it’s out-growers. We partner with our farm funders to grow foods in farming and empowerment of farmers, while our funders earn good returns at the end of each farming cycle. The farming and funding runs for a period of 6-12 months, which enables us accrue profits from which we then compensate funders with 10% to 35% returns on fund/capital.
Services cover on Investment;
- Farm land leasing
- Farm insurance
- Farm input (manure, fertilizer)
- Labor input
- Logistics
Do you wish to put your money in good use, an investment that yield heavily on profit returns of invest, agriculture is good sector to choose and cloud Farm Fund is the right Firm to invest with
Direct to our website to see our open farm to invest in with the mouth-watering profit returns on each of the choosing slot.
Click here to get started with sponsoring a farm.
Contact us for more inquiries here